Workshop on Bangladesh Sweden Collaborative Projective held

Chittagong Bureau :
Linkoping University of Sweden and Chittagong Veterinary & Animal Science University jointly organized three day- long workshop on Bangladesh Sweden Collaborative Projective “Sexual selection and Adaptation during Avian domestication in Bangladesh -comparative Zenomoix of wild red jungle foul and indigenous domestic chicken at the conference hall of the University on Sunday.
 Acting Vice Chancellor of the university Prof Dr. Mohammed Raihan Faruque was present as Chief Guest and inaugurated the programme.
Bangladesh Sweden Collaborative Project CVASU Counterpart Prof. Dr. Mohammed Kobirul Islam khan presided over the opening programme.
Among others, present during the workshop teachers of Linkoping University of Sweden
 Dr. Dominic Wright, Dr. Manuel Alverag Rodrigez,Chittagong Divisional forest officer Golam Mowla and Acting Dean of veterinary Medicine Department prof. Dr. Mohammed Alamgir Hossain.