Workshop held at CVASU


CU Correspondent :

A workshop on ensuring qualitative education was held at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU) yesterday.
Additional Secretary Dr Gourango Chandra Hemanta, Director of Higher Education and Quality Enhance Project (HEQEP) inaugurated the day-long workshop titled “Workshop on Data Management, Self-Assessment Report Writing and Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan”.
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell hold the workshop (IQAC) with university’s IQAC Director Professor Dr AKM Saiefuddin.
Among others CVASU vice-chancellor Prof Dr Goutam Buddo Dash as patron, Noakhali Science and Technology University former Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Sanjoy Kumar Adhikari, Dean of Fisheries Science Prof Dr Nurul Abchar Khan, Dean of Food Science and Technology, Dr Mohammad Raihan Faruque and Veterinary University Medicine University , Dean Prof Mohammad Abdul Halim addressed the workshop .
Dr. Gourango Chandra Hemanto said, we have to ensure the qualitative education first otherwise the question would be raised on the acceptance of the higher education. “The students are enjoying the outcome of 10 projects already implanted here under HEQEP,” he added.
Prof Dr Goutam Buddo Dash exhibited the next-plan of CVASU on the screen by projector and said, the university would turn into a center of excellence.
