Working together for the common good


Dr. Muhammed Idris Bhuiyan :
(From previous issue)
This is how we have continued to adjust and adapt to changes in global competition, the limits to growing our labour force, and to the evolution of society. The Government made major shifts over the last decade, to build a more inclusive society and to transform our economy. We will have to introduced affordable to take care of our needy as well as our low-wage workers. We embarked on a multi-year plan to raise skills and productivity, create quality jobs and raise incomes.
In recent years, the government has made further moves to speed up housing and public transport programmes to address urgent needs. While being mindful to maintain a vibrant economy to create opportunities and jobs for unemployed. With social issues becoming more pressing, we can introduce the Wage Credit Scheme to help raise wages.
Our plans for the future reflect our determination to keep adapting, improving and upgrading ourselves. But amidst these changes, some things remain constant: Bangladesh is a country of small area with huge population constantly navigating dangers and threats in an uncertain world. Recent events as well as tensions and maritime disputes nearer our home in Southeast Asia, remind us that we must never take our safety and security for granted.
We need effective diplomacy to safeguard our interests abroad, cooperate with other countries, and earn respect around the world. We also need a strong law enforcing people to protect our homes and families. Our defense services have the spirit and resolve to defend our nation, and provide us with that sense of security to pursue our dreams.
We believe it is freedom that lifts man to his human standing from that of being a biological entity. A man without freedom is not a human being, he is like an animal. When a man is subjugated and is incapable of directing his life according to his wish, he cannot give shape to his human ethos. A subjugated society can never become human. If a seed does not get fertile soil or envirounment, it can not become big tree, the same is applicable for humans.
In 1971 People of Bangladesh having proclaimed our Independence, through a historic war of national independence, pledging the high ideals of economic and social justice, which inspired our heroic people to dedicate themselves to, and our brave martyrs to sacrifice their lives .It was further pledging that it shall be fundamental aim of the state to realize through the democratic process a exploitation free society in which the rule of law, fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political, economic and social will be secured for all. This remains at the heart of what we stand for – a strong Bangladesh identity, in a diverse and plural society.
Our pioneers had a dream of what Bangladesh could be. They fought for our independence, and toiled for our success. They succeeded in large measure, and created something special and precious for all of us to enjoy. The Pioneer Generation Package is a sincere expression of appreciation for their sacrifices and contributions.
But the best way to honour our pioneers is to uphold this same pioneering spirit – to dream and fight for Bangladesh. We must be stewards of our pioneers’ success, and leave behind a better Bangladesh than we inherited. We, and especially our young, must take the torch, run faster and further, and keep Bangladesh’s light burning bright.
Our best days ahead. People of Bangladesh is looking for honest and efficient administration to building up a knowledge based society to serve in the competitive world.
We have not overcome all our challenges, but we are determined to do so, and we will. Bangladesh remains a home that brings out the best in us. By recognizing our collective destiny, by finding fulfillment in building our home and nation, we can continue to progress and prosper. As we approach our coming 43th anniversary of independence, let us pledge ourselves anew to build a better, brighter Bangladesh. In 2021 our Golden Jubilee will be an occasion for us to re-dedicate ourselves to building a better Bangladesh.
(Contributor is a Lawyer, teaches in the university and consultant of ADB. He could be reached, [email protected].)
