Working Mothers and Their Children

Now-a-days due to inflation and other economic problems it has become vital to make more efforts for good earning. So, for such a thing,a woman has to earn and understand the responsibilities of her family .Keeping aside the disadvantages of being a worki
Now-a-days due to inflation and other economic problems it has become vital to make more efforts for good earning. So, for such a thing,a woman has to earn and understand the responsibilities of her family .Keeping aside the disadvantages of being a worki
Tangina Sultana :
Working mothers are the ones who move out of the house forthe purpose ofearning money and also maintain household chores.Mother’s job is so challenging. Shehas to manage both side her family and professional life equally. In Bangladesh, working mothers always face many questions for their babies’caring. But many researchers find out that working mother is good for their children.
Bangladesh is going to be a developed and digitalized country .But still there is superstition that working mothers children are deprived from their motherly affection. It’s really a matter of great pleasure that in Bangladesh,female education is increasing and female are working almost in every sectors.  
In Bangladesh, the literacy rate for females has risen from 43.74% to 69.90% .The literacy rate for men and women aged between 15 to 24 years increased to 92.24% in 2016, from 61.87% in 2007.At present, females are educating day by day also females laborforce participation rate is increasing day by day though compared to education rate, its (working mother) rate is poor. TheWorld Bank provides data for Bangladesh from 1990 to 2018 .The average value for Bangladesh during that period was 28.15%,with a minimum of 23.62% in 1990 and a maximum of 36% in 2018.
The tendency of being a house wife is nowchanging with the change and need of the time. The standard of living has gone quite high these days and now the parents are working to cope with the situation. Women today are stepping out of their cocoons and revolutionizing the traditional concepts.
Working Mother’s Day
InternationalWomen’s Day (IWD)is celebrated on March 8 every year. It is a focal point in the movement for women’s right.
Every single woman at home prefers to work in order to balance the financial and the other basic needs of the family. It is now very rare that a girl does not prefer to work and chooses to remain at home as a housewife. But as a working mother, it’s really so challenging matter.
Working Mother Quotes from Most Powerful Women in the World:
Former First Lady of the United States—Michelle Obama:  
“For me, being a mother made me a better professional, because coming home every night to my girls reminded me what I was working for. And being a professional made me a better mother because by pursuing my dreams, I was modeling for my girls how to pursue their dreams.”
You Tube CEO -Susan Wojciki:
“People assume it’s hard to have a child with the job I have, but my energy level is high. I also have a lot of resources at home and at work, not to mention the skills to run a big organization.”  
Facebook Coo and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg:
“When a couple announces that they are having a baby, everyone says ‘Congratulations!’ to the man and ‘Congratulations! What are you planning on doing about work?’ to the woman. The broadly held assumption is that raising their child is her responsibility. In more than thirty years,this perception has changed very little.”

Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington:
“I think while all mothers deal with guilt, working mothers are plagued by guilt on steroids.”

Working women statistics and survey
Top 10 Best Company for Working Mothers:
1. Bank of America
2. Deloitte
3. Ernst & Young LLP
4. IBM
5. Johnson & Johnson
6. Mckinsey& Co
7. Prudential Financial
8. Pwc
9. Unilever
10 Zoetis
As a coin has two sides, the concept of the working woman also has many advantages and disadvantages.
The Positive Effects of Working Mother:  
i. Working moms provide positive role models
ii. Working moms children are smart
iii. Working moms children are independent
iv. Mothers shower more love
v. Working moms can better manage quality time with their kids.
vi. Inculcate good habits.
vii. Working moms’ kids may do better at school.
viii. Working moms’ adds to the advantage of helping the family financially.
ix. Kids get all facilities
x. Inspiration for kids
xi. No dependence on the husband.
xii. Life becomes exciting.
xiii. Contributes to women Empowerment.
xiv. Working mom’s do not affect their children’s emotional Empowerment
xv. Working mom’s tending to be in happier relationships.
Negative Effects of Working Mother:
i. Tiredness
ii. Health issues may arise
iii. Children may feel alone and fall into a bad company.
iv. Mothers are not able to attend important school meetings of kids.
v. Less time for kids.
vi. Children are kept in child care centers or servants.
vii. Missing out first words, first step of kids.
viii. No helping hand.
ix. Suffering harassment at workplace.
Now-a-days due to inflation and other economic problems it has become vital to make more efforts for good earning. So, for such a thing,a woman has to earn and understand the responsibilities of her family .Keeping aside the disadvantages of being a working mother one should be positive and strive to see the advantages it offers a family. A working mother should feel proud of herself as she has the power to give best to her family at the same time not forgetting her responsibilities. One thing a woman always should keep in mind is that she should not get angry or irritated over kids rather should try and tackle kids with love, affection and patience.

(Tangina Sultana is Lecturer of English and Head of the Dept, Principle Kazi Faruky College, Raipur,Laxmipur).
