Working from home?

Life Desk :
Work from home is a dream situation especially if you have to be with your kid or because you want to avoid traffic mayhem. But those who have experienced this, believe that it is not such a win-win situation afterall. Many complain that it becomes difficult to stay focused and few others feel that it eventually ends up becoming ‘working FOR home and office both’ rather ‘working FROM’ home. Even though working in your pyjamas sounds lucrative, there are few rules, you must follow to derive maximum out of your comfy, work from home job.
Find a perfect nook
When you are home, you are bound to be tempted to laziness and might keep changing your work station. But this will not just waste your time, but will also not be great for your posture. Working for hours lying on the bed or sitting on a couch many not be a healthy proposition. Decide on a proper chair and table and stick to that place.
Get dressed
How many times have you started working from home without even brushing your teeth? Snuggling in your blanket and working will not only affect your physical health but will also have an impact on your mental well-being. You tend to become sluggish and lose your concentration. The reason behind a certain dress code for office is that what you wear has an impact on how you feel. And thus one should dress up to feel charged up and stay focused.
If you work with headphones on
Pick that perfect playlist to pep up your mood. Choose a list of songs that increase your concentration levels. Or the best idea is to avoid them as for some they might interfere with the concentration.
If you are working from home, chances are that you will be tempted to work on few quick jobs. DON’T do that! Remember, you are ‘working FROM home’ and not ‘FOR home’.
Take a proper lunch break
Most of us get casual when we are working from home and tend to grab quick or easy bites than a proper lunch. Many of us also keep working while having lunch. Avoid this! Take a proper lunch break just like you would have while in office. Also, try to take a walk and bring some life back in your limbs.
Stay away from munching
Nibbling on quick snacks is the most unhealthy thing we do while working from home. Hide all those tempting biscuits and munchies.
Instead take coffee or tea breaks – take a stroll in your balcony or prepare yourself a healthy fruit salad.