Work abstention continues for 7 days in Khulna Jute Mills: Workers’ unrest prevailing in state-run jute mills in Khulna-Jessore region

Khulna: Workers of nine state -run Jute Mills of Khulna- Jessore region brought out a procession on Khulan- Jessore Highway to press home their 11- point demands. This picture was taken from Khalishpur Nutiun Road on Tuesday.
Khulna: Workers of nine state -run Jute Mills of Khulna- Jessore region brought out a procession on Khulan- Jessore Highway to press home their 11- point demands. This picture was taken from Khalishpur Nutiun Road on Tuesday.
Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
For implementing 11 -point demands, workers of nine state-run jute mills of Khulna-Jessore region observed 24 hours strike from Tuesday dawn to Wednesday morning.
Earlier, on Thursday (December 28,2017), production of the said jute mills were shut down on demand of implementing 11 points including payment of arrear wages and wages commission.
Among the nine state-owned jute mills, seven are in Khulna and the rest two are in Jessore area. The seven Khulna regional jute mills are- Daulatpur Jute Mill, Khalishpur Jute Mill, Platinum Jubilee Jute Mill, The Crescent Jute Mill, Star Jute Mill, Alim Jute Mill, Eastern Jute Mill and in Jessore area’s two Jute Mills are-Carpeting Jute Mill, Jessore Jute Industries (JJI) Mill.
The eleven point demands of the workers are- Declaring pay commission for workers, payment of 20 percent of dearness allowance, arrear wages, giving wages to the production-rate workers, making permanent workers according to the set-up, payment of allowances and wages of retired workers, payment of Insurance allowance of workers who died in the mean time, remove dissimilarity of wages, implementation of PRL & Grant facilities, renovation of old machines and depositing money taking from Provident Fund (PF).
Sources said, around 21,474 Metric Tonnes Jute-goods worth about Taka more than 200 crore have been laid unsold. Besides, the Jute Mills are not getting money even after selling Jute made products on credit. Production in the jute Mills are remained closed since last Thursday. Workers are not getting their wages for weeks after weeks. Workers of the nine state-run Jute Mills observed 24 hour’s strike. The State-run Jute Mills CBA-Non CBA Parishad will declare the next program after meeting at Dhaka.
On the other hand, Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) authorities have been directing the local authorities of the Jute Mills of Khulna-Jessore region. Local authorities are also requesting to continue their duties but CBA leaders said that they are helpless in this regard.
The regional authorities of BJMC said, Around 21,474 Metric tonnes jute made products are lying unsold at nine Jute mills in Khulna-Jessore region.
BJMC authorities declined to comment anything regarding the workers unrest in Khulna-Jessore region.
Since last Thursday, workers have been observing their agitation programs after shutting down production. Workers unrest are increasing gradually. Meanwhile, agitated workers observed their agitation program by burning tyres on Khulna-Jessore Highway.
Khalilur Rahman, former general secretary of Platinum Jubilee Jute Mills said, The workers unrest might reduce if the irregularities of the authorities of the jute Mills of Khulna-Jessore region.
Sources of BJMC head office at Dhaka said, due to selling Jute products on credit, Jute Mills are incurring loss, according to the rules of BJMC, Jute products have to sell after taking money in advance, but violating this rule, most of the Jute Mills are selling Jute goods on credit and as such the loss and workers unrest are prevailing in the area, sources added.
Md. Sohrab Hossain, former general secretary of the Crescent Jute Mills said, the agitation programs are not now in the hands of the CBA leaders, it has gone to the common workers.
According to a Press release signed by Md. Mojibor Rahman, general secretary of Khulna city Sromik Dal, it is learnt that the Sromik Dal has expressed their solidarity to the agitation programs of the Jute Mills workers.
Sources said, around Taka 60 crore are due in nine State-run Jute Mills of Khulna-Jessore region as wages and salaries were not paid for the last few months.
On condition of anonymity, an official of BJMC said, the government must be initiative by giving subsidy for saving the Jute Mills. At least Taka 1200 crore are expended per year in 22 State-run Jute Mills of the country. But only Taka 600 crore are earned after selling Jute products and the rest Taka 600 crore are given subsidy by the government and this subsidy amount should be increased.
No step was found by Khulna district administration in respect of workers unrest prevailing in the area. Agitated workers disrupted the movement of different vehicles even they made compel to stop a train at around 11.35 at Notun Rasta Railgate for an hour.
In presence of law enforcing agency particularly policemen, agitated workers vandalized some 6 motorbikes and private cars and even they vandalized some shops of Khalishpur and Daulatpur area before the members of police of Khalishpur police station, Daulatpur police station and policemen of Khulna police Line.
It is mentionable in this connection that without getting arrear wages and proper treatment, Abul Khayer, a retired worker of the spinning department of Platinum Jubilee Jute Mills Ltd. fell in the lap of the cruel death at his residence.
Anisur Rahman, a worker of a jute mill at Khalishpur area said, We sought for immediate solution of our problems, we want our arrear wages and other benefits, because we are leading starving living as we have not yet got wages since the last 8 weeks or 9 weeks.
Abul Kalam Hazari, Project Head of the Crescent Jute Mills Company Ltd said, we are talking to the CBA leaders with a view to reduce the workers unrest, but the leaders said to me that the agitation programs are not now under their control.
It is mentionable that traders of Khulna also participated in the agitation program of Jute Mills workers.
However, workers’ agitation program in nine State-run Jute Mills were going on unabated till filing this report on Wednesday (January 03) evening at around 6.45 pm.
Jessore Correspondent adds: Workers of different government owned jute mills at Nawapara industrial area in Jessore staged demonstrations on Tuesday to press their 11 -point demands including formation of wage commission.
The workers of government owned jute mills including Jessore Jute Mills Limited observed 24-hour strike on the day to press their demands.
An agitation rally was held the on the premises of Jessore Jute Industries Limited where leaders of CBA- Non CBA Council spoke. The speakers urged the government to implement their demands immediately.