Workers Party announces anti-militancy programmes


Workers Party (WP) of Bangladesh on Tuesday announced a series of programmes to create awareness across the country against terrorism and militancy.
Addressing a press conference at party central office in the city, WP President and Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon called upon all to observe the programmes.
In a written speech, WP General Secretary Fazle Hossain Badsha, MP, said an anti-militancy and anti-imperialism rally will be held in front of National Press Club on August 2 and seminar rallies will be held in all district towns on August 6.
The WP will take part in all anti-militancy programme of 14-party alliance and will observe August 17 as anti-terrorism day marking the assassination attempt on Rashed Khan Menon.
Besides, anti-militancy cultural programmes, including songs, dramas and recitations, will be held in seven divisions between August 20 and September 30. Rashed Khan Menon said there is no existence of IS in Bangladesh, but JMB and other militant outfits are conducting terrorist activities here.
He said the massacre at Gulshan Holey Artisan restaurant has stunned the whole world and the attack at Sholakia Eid congregation foiled Bangladesh’s thousand-year-old heritage.
In the written speech, Fazle Hossain Barsha demanded immediate banning of Jamaat-e-Islami and closing all sources of militancy funding.
