Workers are not murderous murderers, they are servants

Staff Reporter, Rangpur :
Acting President of Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation and former Shipping Minister Bir Muktijoddha Shahjahan Khan said, ‘Transport workers are not killers, they are servants. Their contribution cannot be denied. The workers participated in the liberation war. If there is the spirit of liberation war, Bangladesh will survive. The country will move forward ‘.
He was speaking in the tri-annual general meeting of the district motor workers’ union at the Rangpur Central Bus Terminal on Tuesday at noon.
Speaking as the chief guest on the occasion, Awami League Presidential Council member Shahjahan Khan said, ‘The transport sector does not belong to any party. Grouping will not work here. Everyone in this sector. Here the party identity is not the main issue, but the worker identity is the big identity. There are workers and organizers of other parties including Awami League, Jatiya Party, Walkers Party, Jasad, BSD and extortionists cannot be workers, the former minister said, “Those who extort money on the road are not workers. Their identity isextortionist. But leaders are being called extortionists.
He further said, ‘Democracy of BNP-Jamaat does not mean the people of Bangladesh. Their democracy means murder, robbery, rape, arson and propaganda misinterpretation of religion. They kill people even when theyare in power, they are doing it even when they are out of power. In the politics of their fire, 92 drivers and workers lost their lives till 2013-2015.
The keynote speaker at the meeting was Osman Ali, General Secretary of Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation. President of Rangpur DistrictMotor Workers Union Tajul Islam Mukul presided over the function as special guest.