Workers’ agitation in CEPZ industries


Chittagong Bureau :
The workers of the Mithun Textile Mills in Chittagong Export Processing Zone area protested the suspension of overtime benefits and implementation of new wage as per pay scale of the RMG workers on Firday.
From 9 am yesterday, the workers of Mitun Textile came out in road from the factory premises and staged demonstration against the factory management.
 Additional police forces have been deployed in road from morning to avoid any unwanted incidents . Police and workers sources said after implementation of govt declared pay scale, the factory management introduced three shifts instead of 2 shifts of earlier whereas the workers deprived of overtime benefits. Centring the overtime and introduction of 3 shifts , the discontentments are prevailing in the factory, sources said.
A worker leader of the factory Md. Abdullah said until their demands are fulfilled, the movement will continue.
