B Chy to govt: Work together to fight militancy


Terming the emergence of militancy as a national crisis, Bikapladhara Bangladesh (BDB) president Dr AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury on Thursday urged the government to work out a strategy together with people to overcome it.
Speaking at a press conference arranged by his party at the Jatiya Press Club, the BDB chief also said all parties together with people will have to come forward shunning the blame game and raising above party interests to get rid of the crisis. “The government is calling the emergence of militancy as ‘neo JMB’ which has created chaos and concern in the country. Many people have already been killed,” he said.
B Chowdhury, also a former president, observed that there are two types of militants-one group trained and motive at home and the other trained abroad. “They’re indulging in violence and bloodletting. There’re threats of bloodshed in the future, too.” The BDB chief voiced concern that educated youths from rich families are getting confused and hypnotised by extremist groups.
Mentioning that many youths are now suffering from depression due to various social disorders, including corruption, terrorism and drug abuse, he said the depressed people can commit any dangerous crime.
The BDB president said the government has the main responsibility to tackle the current situation.
Apparently opposing the killing of militant suspects in ‘gunfight’, he said it will be difficult to unearth the main plan of the extremists unless their top leaders are arrested alive.
B Chowdhury suggested the government to engage in talks with psychologists, social scientists, political leaders, responsible government officials, representatives of young generation, university teachers and mothers and sisters to find out the reasons behind the emergence of extremism and its way out. Referring to the Prime Minister’s call to the people for getting united against militancy, he said the government must understand a large portion of the country’s total population is with political opposition party (BNP).
“The government can use the effective power of opposition to get rid of this problem.” Stating that the national unity process is incomplete keeping the opposition out of it, the BDB chief urged the government to reconsider forging a unity with all parties and people from all walks of life. He also criticised the role of BNP, saying it could not play its due role in over coming the crisis and uniting people against terrorism. Asked whether their party got any proposal from BNP or Dr Kamal Hossain to forge a national unity against militancy, the BDB chief replied in the negative.
However, replying to a question, BDB secretary general Abdul Mannan said their party will respond to the call of any party to protect the national interests. “We’re ready to sit with any party or person on national issues.”
