ACC chief urges all: Work together against graft

UNB, Dhaka :
Chairman of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) Iqbal Mahmood on Sunday called upon the authorities concerned to take united and effective steps to stop the sources of undisclosed money accumulated by corrupt people.
As per the country’s constitution, nobody is allowed to enjoy ill-gotten money. We all talk about corruption. But this is not the time to talk only about it’s time to take a united action against corruption, he said.
The ACC chief was addressing a student-teacher rally on prevention of corruption and drugs held at North South University n the capital. Noting corruption and drug business are interconnected, Iqbal Mahmood said drug traders are involved in this business aiming to accumulate ill-gotten money, which is one kind of corruption. Urging the young generation to raise their voice against corruption and drugs,  
he said these menaces are robbing of the dreams of the future generation, and it is the duty of all to protect them.
The ACC chief said corruption is eating up 2-3 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and this is why all should come forward to check the graft in the country.
He stressed the need for waging a social movement involving students, teachers, businessmen and people from other sectors against corruption and drug use.