President to lawmakers: Work to materialise people`s expectations

BSS, Dhaka :
President Abdul Hamid yesterday urged all, including the treasury and opposition bench members, to play a constructive and effective role in the Jatiya Sangsad (JS) for materializing expectations of the people.
“I urge upon all irrespective of their affiliation with the treasury or the opposition to play effective and constructive roles in the Jatiya Sangsad, the place to fulfill people’s aspirations,” the President said while addressing the inaugural session of 2017 of the 10th Parliament.
In his 136-page speech, Abdul Hamid highlighted the present government’s activities and successes in different areas, including economy, trade and commerce, agriculture, power, foreign relations, tourism, education, health, good governance, women and children development, sports and youth development, rural development, expatriates’ welfare, science and technology, ICT and public administration.
The session began with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair. Leader of the House and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Leader of the Opposition Raushan Ershad were present during the President’s speech.
President Abdul Hamid said the present government has been working relentlessly to build Bangladesh as a developed and enlightened country by consolidating the democratic system. United efforts will have to be made to eliminate terrorism-militancy by building an exploitation free golden Bengal as dreamt by Bangabandhu, he added.
“We are indebted to the martyrs of liberation war. Let’s come forward . . . we all irrespective of caste and creed and forgetting party and opinion will have to play role to expedite the democratic journey and socioeconomic development to pay the debt of blood of martyrs,” he said.
Abdul Hamid underscored the need for forging a unity to uphold the glorious independence, sustain the spirit of the war of liberation, consolidate democracy and the rule of law in the country.
He said the present government is endeavoring to establish Bangladesh as a developed and enlightened country in a democratic structure eradicating vengeance, bloodshed and confrontation from politics.
Alongside the party in power, the opposition parties have to play a constructive role in intensifying transparency, accountability, tolerance, human rights and the rule of law and materializing the dream and desire of the nation’s advancement, he said.
President Hamid said the present government has been running the affairs of state taking the challenge of continuing the progress of democracy and achieving socioeconomic targets. The government has been making tireless efforts to consolidate the processes of good governance attaching highest priority to growth of democracy, establishment of the rule of law and achievement of socioeconomic enrichment, he said.