Work of dev projects going on at snail’s pace in SCC

Sylhet Bureau :
Some large development schemes have been going on in Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) area for the last several months.
These include road widening, recovering canals and drains, development of bus terminal and dumping ground. Besides, works on a scheme for resetting the underground electricity line in place of overhead system.
But due to lack of proper supervision by the SCC authorities alongside negligence of contractors, works are going on slowly, causing much inconvenience to the city dwellers.
This is why it is apprehended whether the works would be completed within the scheduled time as many of the schemes had been given time extensions. Specially, the sufferings went extreme when it rains.
However, the officials claim they would complete the works in time. Works on setting underground electricity line on the existing system from the city’s Ambarkhana to Court Point started in February, but it remained incomplete as yet while the dilapidated roads cause trouble for the pedestrians.
On the other hand, the contractors are doing their job keeping the construction materials on the roads. It had made the traffic congestion more acute.
Besides, the authority failed completing the canal excavation work and drain reconstruction before the monsoon. Works on the much talked about scheme for protection and recovery of the Dhopadighi and construction of walkway around it began last year under the beautification programme. The Indian government-aided project is yet to have even one fourth progress. The works were started haphazardly, alleged a number of locals.
On the other hand the modernisation of the Sylhet Central Bus Terminal has been going on at a cost of Tk 650 million, development of the waste dumping yard at the suburban Parairchak at a cost of Tk 600 million, and reconstruction of roads and drains at a cost of Tk 300 million under the World Bank-aided Municipal Governance and Services Project (MGSP).
The Indian government extended Tk 218.5 million assistance for the Dhopadighi protection, construction of 6-storey building at Charadighirpar and construction of sweepers Colony in Kastoghar area. But the progress is even below 25 per cent in a year. Works for the canal and streams’ recovery programme for Tk 340 million had been suspended due to monsoon.
Works on the schemes for construction and reconstruction of roads, drains and divider etc under the taka one billion project of the LGRD ministry has been going on at a snail’s pace iSn the city areas.
Admitting the delay in works, SCC Chief engineer Nur Azizur Rahamn said most of the labourers are from other districts. This is why we have to suffer often. Many people had gone home during the Eid and other occasions, but they didn’t return in time. On the other hand, works are delayed due to rains.