PM to int'l community: Work for ensuring Rohingyas’ rights

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged the international community to work towards ensuring Rohingya population’s fundamental human rights, including their right to return to their homeland.
She also laid emphasis on ensuring Rohingya population’s self-identification, citizenship and other basic human rights required for them to lead a dignified life.
“Bangladesh demonstrated the highest humanitarian goodwill by sheltering over a million Rohingyas who fled atrocity in Rakhine State of Myanmar,” she said. The Prime Minister made the remarks on the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. “As a state-party to the Genocide Convention and the Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court, Bangladesh will  
continue to support the universalisation of these two legal instruments,” she said. The Prime Minister paid homage to the memory of millions of individuals who suffered the crime of genocide through history and reaffirmed Bangladesh’s commitment to ‘never again’ to the commission of this heinous crime. In the 1971 War of Liberation, she said, they endured an extreme form of genocide and in the nine-month-long War of Liberation against Pakistan, 3 million innocent civilian people were killed and more than 200,000 women were violated. The Pakistan military launched the heinous ‘operation searchlight’ on March 25, 1971 which was the beginning of the 1971 genocide.
She said the 1971 genocide included targeted elimination of individuals on the ground of religion, race and political belief. The intellectuals were killed brutally. “To pay homage to the victims of the 1971 genocide, our national parliament has recently declared March 25 as the Genocide Day,” said the Prime Minister.
In Bangladesh, she said, they have already undertaken the daunting task of bringing the key perpetrators of 1971 genocide to justice through the International Crimes Tribunal. “I urge the international community to take collective actions to prevent recurrence of such heinous crimes anywhere anytime. I believe, recognition of past tragedies like the 1971 genocide would guide us to achieve ‘never again’.”
She echoed the words of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the UN General Assembly in 1974: “I know that the soul of our martyrs join us in pledging that the Bangalee nation fully commits itself to the building of a world order in which the aspiration of all men and women for peace and justice will be realised”.