Won’t leave office Khaleda to bid farewell to Koko from Gulshan


Ehsanul Haque Jasim :
BNP chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia is still rigid on her stance to continue the ongoing blockade even after the death of her younger son Arafat Rahman Koko. She won’t leave her Gulshan office until any result is achieved, said BNP insiders. Koko’s body is likely to arrive home from Malaysia today (Tuesday). The body will be taken to Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office strait from the airport. The BNP chief will bid farewell to her son for the eternal rest from the office. “As Khaleda Zia will stay in her office, so the body will be taken here,” Khaleda Zia’s press secretary Maruf Kamal Khan Sohel said on Monday evening.
Khaleda Zia has been staying in the Gulshan office since January 3. Having failed to come out of the office to join a planned rally in the city on January 5, she announced the ongoing blockade programme. She was kept confined in the office till January 19. Police withdrew the barricade from the office on January 19, but she did not come out of the office till now.
BNP standing committee member Barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah said that the country is more important to her than her relatives. She loves the country and its people more than others. So, the movement is continuing even after the death of Arafat Rahman Koko. The movement will continue until the demand is met, he added.
