Opinion: Women’s equal rights


Lathiful Khabira :
Woman empowerment has increased in several job sectors, which ensure women rights, yet they are deprived of their actual right. It is a matter of sorrow that many of our social organizations believe that woman right is for only to ensure the self-dependency of woman with an earning source. But the fact is not only that. We have to ensure the vocal right of women. Then, in the way of life and in daily workings they have to remain anxious to lose their honor by any chance.
But the women do not say. To alleviate this, we have to change the social outlook. In our society somehow woman are the sufferer of social circumstance. It is male’s expectation that as a counterpart a woman has to control over her family and children. Considering their earning, woman and man are quite equal now.
Though in many families males and females are dividing their household works, it is considered to some extent. Female are not secure to go outside at late light.
Even when you are protesting of any eve teaser then you are forbidden by your friend or family not to do that because you are female and it may hamper your security. In many cases women are liable for because of their wearing.
But we also have to confess that in this society both male and female have right to move according to their own way.
Where male are not teased in a society for his offensive dress and just become the subject of gossiping to other, females are becoming the victim of eve-teaser.
It hampers their mental growth and many of them feels insecure to move outside freely. Moreover age limits are also not considered in the case of teasing. But we believe that this problem is certain. If the social outlook of male is overlapped in the mold of brotherhood, equality then our society will be more developed.
 It seems we have problem in our smallest part of society that is family. In which way male are treated in a family, female are not.
We remains conscious about our female when they go outside but in the case of male it is not so. So, we have to conscious about both of our male and female children, their way of thought and their outlook to opposite sex. In our religion both male and female has direction to lead their way of life. But the ways females are told to cover themselves according to religion, male are not. But they have also rules.
To change these, self-dependency is not only the major issue but it is important to change the way of thinking of the society.
Only economic condition of woman cannot change this circumstance. We have a deep slavery in our mind both in male and female. We cannot respect ourselves. Last of all society’s improvement cannot ensure woman’s right. Our mental development is needed in this regard. We have to be enriched by our mind but not by our wealth
