Women’s empowerment, gender equality for ending discrimination stressed

Barisal Correspondent :
The International Fortnight for Preventing Torture Against Women observed in Barisal on Friday calling women’s empowerment and gender equality for ending discrimination and torture.
The day was observed with the theme of this fortnight as ‘ colourful world with colourful lights, let all women be happy and quite’.
District administration and office of the directorate of women jointly organised a rally and human chain on this occasion in front of Ashwini Kumar Hall of the city.
The programme was held to mark the International Women Repression Prevention Fortnight that began on November 25 and the International Human Rights Day.
Representatives from different government, non-government-voluntary, professional, educational institutions joined in the programme presided over by Rashid Begun, district women’s affairs officer.
Among others Abul Kalam Azad, additional deputy commissioner, Rahima Sulana Kajal, Nasrin Akhter, Hasina Begum, Kaisar Parvin, Ranjit Dutta, Anwar Hossain, development organisation activists, Dr. Syed Habibur Rahman, Shuvangkar Chakraborty, right activists, Akkas Hossain, cultural activists, addressed the programme.
The speakers said although a political government is now in power and most conscious people are in the ministry and parliament, women continue to face violence. Because repressors against women now getting shelters from political organisations and it should be stopped at once.
For ending torture and repression against women, we must changing outlooks empower women the in the society and end all kinds of gender discriminations, the speakers opined.
“If we can launch a movement with proper participation of men and women, we can succeed in preventing violence against women,” they said.