Women want Trump impeached, men don`t, poll finds

Newsweek :
When it comes to President Donald Trump, it’s a battle of the sexes. Two months into his presidency, a majority of women want to see the president impeached, while a majority of men are against the idea, a poll found Thursday.
Fifty-one percent of women support impeaching Trump, found a survey from Public Policy Polling (PPP), a firm that does surveys for public consumption but also polling for Democratic candidates. Just 36 percent of men supported impeaching Trump, while 51 percent opposed the idea.
Overall, the survey found 44 percent of registered voters supported impeaching Trump, while 45 percent opposed. Eleven percent were unsure.PPP found that voters are concerned with an investigation into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia. The U.S. intelligence community has already assessed that the Kremlin worked to get the Republican nominee elected over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Voters are inclined to think Donald Trump should resign if proof emerges of direct coordination between his campaign team and Russia in the election last fall,” PPP President Dean Debnam said in a statement. Sixty-two percent of voters supported an independent investigation into Trump and Russia, and 60 percent believed Russia worked to get him elected, PPP found. The firm surveyed 677 registered voters from March 27-28 and the poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.