Kim Jong-nam murder: Women plead not guilty in Malaysia trial

BBC Online :
Two women have pleaded not guilty to murdering Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea’s leader, as their trial in Malaysia got under way.
The brazen nature of his killing, using the highly toxic VX nerve agent as he waited for a flight at Kuala Lumpur airport in February, shocked the world.
Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong, 29, and Indonesian Siti Aisyah, 25, are accused of rubbing the chemical on his face.
The pair say it was a TV prank and they were tricked by North Korean agents.
Pyongyang has denied any involvement in the killing, but in court prosecutors said that four men – believed to be a reference to four North Koreans who fled Malaysia the same day – were also suspects in the killing.
The incident led to a bitter diplomatic row and strained the once cordial ties between North Korea and Malaysia, which expelled each other’s ambassadors.