Women-friendly policies at every tier to ensure steady progress

THE World Economic Forum said Bangladesh has retained the second place among the most gender equal countries in Asia this year, after jumping 25 notches last year. It has slipped only one notch to the 48th position, but is still ahead of all other countries in the continent except the Philippines, according to WEF’s ‘The Global Gender Gap Report 2018’ published on December 18.
In the list, Sri Lanka is placed 100th followed by Nepal on 105th. India is on the 108th position while the Maldives is 113th. Pakistan is ranked 148th ahead of only war-torn Yemen. The WEF has ranked the United States 51st, the United Kingdom 15th and Canada 16th while Iceland tops the list, followed by Norway, Sweden, Finland, Nicaragua, Rwanda, New Zealand, the Philippines, Ireland and Namibia.
The WEF has given the position to Bangladesh on the basis of economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. As for economic participation and opportunity, Bangladesh has been placed 133rd, 116th for educational attainment, and 117th for health and survival.
With women on the positions of the Prime Minister and President of ruling Awami League, the Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, the Speaker, and leader of Bangladesh Nationalist Party; Bangladesh is the fifth most gender equal country in the world in terms of political empowerment.
It is clear that, performance of Bangladesh is the best among South Asian countries, including India and Pakistan. But there is no scope for complacency. It would be very unwise if the present development progress is threatened by political uncertainty, violence or any other disorderly situation.
A large portion of our population is women. From garment sector to cricket, the women have already shown their capability. So, there is no way but to involve the women in every development scheme. That means, it would need cent per cent women empowerment. We do hope that, the government would take women-friendly policies at all sector to ensure the uninterrupted progress of the country.