Women farm–labourers need responsive media support

NARSINGDI: Suraiaya Begum, ADC (General) addressing the inaugural session of the four daylong Tax Fair at Narsingdi Pourashava auditorium as Chief Guest on Friday.
NARSINGDI: Suraiaya Begum, ADC (General) addressing the inaugural session of the four daylong Tax Fair at Narsingdi Pourashava auditorium as Chief Guest on Friday.
BSS, Rajshahi :
Women farm labourers need responsive media support for their recognition as their contribution to ensuring food security, particularly in the agriculture sector is significant.
Besides, there is a need of reflection of the women contribution to the national overall development.
The observation came at a daylong orientation for journalists titled “Strengthening
Media Engagement for the Campaign on Recognising Women’s Contribution in Food Security
in Bangladesh” held at Master Chef Restaurant in Rajshahi city on Saturday.
Somosty, a rights-based organization, arranged the orientation in association with
Oxfam with the main thrust of sensitizing the media personnel on how to depict the women labourers issues in the media both print and electronics.
“National Campaign for Protecting Farm Women Labourers in Food Security” was the main theme of the meeting. Oxfam Advocacy Coordinator Muzahidul Islam, Somosty Director
Masrur Jaman, Director of Barendra Unnayan Prochesta Foyzullah Chowdhury and farmer
Julekha Begum addressed the discussion as resource persons. The speakers unequivocally called for making the campaign 2015-16 a total success for recognition of the women contribution to the fields of farm production, boosting economic value and food security. They said the womenfolk work hard for meeting up protein demands of their respective families. They are also work relentlessly to the fields of farm management and homestead production. But, unfortunately, due to lack of their land ownership many of them don’t get the privileges of agricultural subsidies being provided by the government every year.
Apart from, the women farm labourers don’t get equal wages to the men. The disparity needs to be addressed at ones. Despite of equal work to male in farming fields, the female agricultural workers especially coming from the ethnic groups are still facing wage disparity in the region especially in vast Barind tract.
