Women dies mysteriously at hotel room

Barisal Correspondent :
A woman died mysteriously at hotel room in Barisal on Friday morning.
The victim was identified as Laily Begum, 60, wife of late Hanif Molla from Armanganj of Mithapur under Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district.
Tofazzal Hossain, accompanied son of the victim, said they came from Kalapara on Thursday afternoon for treatment under Dr. H M Rafikul Bari at Globe Laboratory of the city.
The doctor suggested some pathological test of the patient and they done that at Green Laboratory of the city as per suggestion of the doctor by spending Tk 3,500.
Due to receive the laboratory test reports they forced to stay in room- 201 at residential Hotel Mahmudia in Girzamahalla area of the city.
On Friday morning after backing from outside to collect the pathological test reports and money sent from home through ‘bikash’, found mother Laily Begum as dead on hotel room, said Tofazzal.
Dr. H M Rafikul Bari said the patient may died from sudden cardiac arrest and kidney failure.
The doctor also claimed that she died before the doctor seen her laboratory test reports.
However when the doctor asked that why the patient was not referred to medical college hospital due to her severe sickness and why she was suggested to collect about ten medicines before seeing her pathological test reports in a low standard manual laboratory, the doctor failed to answer.
Sub Inspector Taher of Barisal Kotwali police station, said they visited the spot, but till this report no case was lodged in connection of the death of Laily Begum.
Tofazzal Hossain, son of the victim, said they brought the dead body without autopsy and lodging any allegation against the doctor to bury at family graveyard as they have no supporting hand in Barisal.
