Women being more victims to Kidney disease

A view of the round table meeting on Kidney disease to mark the World Kidney Day at the 'Daily Star Bhaban' of Qazi Nazrul Islam Avenue in the city on Saturday.
A view of the round table meeting on Kidney disease to mark the World Kidney Day at the 'Daily Star Bhaban' of Qazi Nazrul Islam Avenue in the city on Saturday.
Life Desk :
Speakers at a roundtable meeting on Saturday said women are being more affected in Kidney diseases comparing to men in our country. But in terms of Kidney treatment they lag far behind and are being neglected.
They said at least 6 lakhs women sustain death untimely due to kidney failure across the globe every year. 14 percent women are affected by acute kidney injury (AKI) while the ratio of male is 12 percent which proves that women are neglected in terms of having treatment facilities, they are victim of discrimination.
Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS) organized the roundtable meeting marking the ‘World Kidney Day-2018’ at the ‘Daily Star Bhaban’ of Qazi Nazrul Islam Avenue in the city.
President of Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA), and former MP Dr Mostofa Jalal Mohiuddin, Chairman of Kidney Foundation, Prof Dr Harun-or-Rashid, President of Bangladesh Renal Association, Prof Dr Rafiqul Alam, former Secretary and President of Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB), Golam Rahman, Associate Editor of daily Pratham Alo, Abdu Quayum Mukil, former star Cricketer, Gazi Ashraf Hossain Lipu, Chairman of ‘Swarna Kishory Network Foundation’, Farzana Brownia and representatives from different trades of profession attended the roundtable meeting.
 Chief consultant of the Department of Nephrology, Labaid Specialized Hospital, Dhaka, also Chairman of KAMPS, Prof Dr MA Samad moderated the roundtable meeting and presented keynote paper on the present scenario of kidney disease in Bangladesh, its preventive measures and how to remove the discrimination of women in kidney treatment.
While addressing, Dr Mostofa Jalal Mohiuddin said presence of women in the top positions of the country’s political and administrative arenas is much more now-a-days, even female candidates are found more than male in admission tests of competitive exams including medical science. It means that we are on the way to cut off the stigma that women are lagging far behind in the society and nation. He said Prime Minister herself is very much interested and keen to practically implementing the empowerment of women and their participation in decision-making.  
Chairman of Kidney Foundation, Prof Dr Harun said there have only about 100 dialysis centers in the country which is very much less in comparison to the huge number of kidney patients. More than 18000 patients get dialysis twice a week. In the private sector dialysis center the dialysis cost is very high. It is from Tk 3500 to 5000 and is not affordable for the middle and lower income segment of people.
“In South Asia only 15 percent of patients get dialysis service against the total number and a huge number of patients fail to get this service due to financial inability and the situation in Bangladesh is alarming so the government has to take serious initiative to reduce the dialysis cost”, Dr Harun added.
Film Star ferdous urged to change the feeling and sense of people about the human being and humanity so that the tendency of differentiating between male and female may come to be reduced.
He praised the role of KAMPS in rising awareness among people about the change of lifestyle and preventing the killing disease like Kidney disease.  
In the keynote speech, Prof Dr MA Samad said women are lagging behind in our country in all respect. Their inherent tendency of hiding disease, less contribution in family income etc. causes women being neglected in getting treatment in their diseases so women are still very much neglected.
“In different countries across the globe, women are neglected in terms of claiming their rights and the picture is grave in Bangladesh, considering which the world kidney day authority has determined the theme of the world kidney day-2018 as “Kidney and Women Health: Include, Value, Empower” , keynote said.
Dr Samad mentioned that although the theme has been fixed considering the world situation but it is much more applicable for the countries like Bangladesh as because here more than 50 percent of population is women and it’s true that expected development is not possible by keeping them neglected.
Dr Samad said in Bangladesh more than 2 crore of people are affected by kidney disease, the treatment cost of this is very high and even 10 percent of patients do not have the ability to afford the cost so most poor patients loss their lives without treatment whereas its possible to prevent upto 60 of this killer disease by raising awareness among people.
Speakers opined that not by treating patients rather people may stay free from this disease by prevention and awareness is the only way for this.