Woman kills land lady for Tk 30,000′ in Joypurhat


Our Correspondent :
A woman has been detained for allegedly killing her land lady at Sadar upazila in Joypurhat district on Tuesday morning.
Detained Jharna Akter Nila, 21, and her husband Mansur Khan, a transport worker, have long been living at a rented house owned by Shefali Bewa at Rupnagar in the district town.
According to relatives and police sources, Nila on Sunday night killed Shefali, 65, hitting in her head with a stone to take away Tk 30,000. Later, she informed the deceased’s relatives over a cell phone that Shefali had died.
Being informed, the deceased’s younger brother Jalal Sheikh rushed in and found his sister’s blood-stained body lying on the floor.
During the time, Nila told the relatives that she died falling on the floor.
However, the relatives believed in her and buried the body as a natural death.
On suspicion, neighbours and relatives again started questioning her regarding the death. At one stage of confrontation, she confessed that she killed the elderly woman for the money.
Following her confession, the relatives handed her over to Joypurhat Sadar Police Station.
Confirming the matter, the police station inspector said the body will be dug out from the grave for autopsy.
They are investigating the matter, he added.
