Woman gang-raped in Ashulia for not paying house rent


Staff Reporter :
A female garment worker was allegedly gang-raped by her house owner and three others, as her husband failed to pay the due as house rent.
The incident took place in Ashulia of Savar on Tuesday night
Police arrested the house owner Md. Kalam who is a pharmacy businessman in profession, from Fakir’s Bari in West Jamgara area of Ashulia on Wednesday afternoon.
The victim, who works at a garment factory in DEPZ, was living as a tenant in Kalam’s house.
On Monday night, her driver husband was in their room. At around 12am, the house owner, Kalam along with three others came to her room to collect Tk 2,000 due house rent of December last.
She later told the house owner that their salary was not paid from the factory. But two of the owner’s aides kept her husband confined in another room, and raped her. Later they forcibly took off her gold chains, bangles, earrings and nose flowers.
She added that Kalam raped her at first with the assistance of three of his associates and later, the rest of the three raped her till 4am. She came to Ashulia Police Station in the morning and complained.
SI Selim Reza of Ashulia Police Station said Kalam was arrested after receiving the complaint of the victim. An attempt is underway to arrest the remaining accused.
A case has been filed in this regard.
