Woman beaten by neighbour

A Correspondent :
A woman was allegedly beaten up and injured by her neighbour in Agrabad CDA residential area in the port city on Thursday over a land dispute.
Injured Farjana Kulsuma, 30, is wife of Khaled Mohammad Azad, an expatriate in Oman.
She was admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), said Sub-inspector Jahirul Islam, in-charge of CMCH Police Camp.
Farjana told journalists that she went to receive electricity bills from tenants living in their some semi-pucca houses in the area, her neighbour Syed Abu Siddique and his wife beat her up.
She said blood was oozing out of her forehead as they hit her with bricks.
“I went to Double Mooring Police Station to lodge a case, but the officials told me to come later as the OC was not in the office owing to the hartal,” she added.
Contacted, Anuradha Paul, sub-inspector of the police station, said, “We accepted her complaint. If she wants to lodge a case in this connection, we will file it.”
However, Siddqiue could not be contacted for comments on the incident.