Woman arrested for killing her kid by feeding salt in city


Staff Reporter :
Police have arrested a woman accused of killing her two-month old baby by feeding him a deadly amount of salt in Dhaka’s Dohar Upazila.
The newborn has been identified as Md Sayem.
The child’s father Mohammad Bachchu Miah, 30, filed a case against his wife Sathi Akhter with Dohar Police Station on Monday night, said Sub-Inspector Md Hafizur Rahman.Sathi, 21, was arrested and produced in court around 11am on Monday, he said.
Bachchu, a day-labourer from Miapara neighbourhood of Uttar Joypara in Dohar, married Sathi about three years ago. The couple has another child, Sabiha Akhter, who is two years old.
 “Sathi told her husband to bring a little amount of milk for newborn Sayem on Sunday, but Bachchu was too poor to afford that. Sathi tried also locally but failed. Unable to buy some milk, Sathi was so depressed that she fed him salt.”
Sathi took Sayem to the Upazila Health Complex after the salt caused serious breathing problems to him, but doctor declared him dead, SI Hafizur Rahman said.
Police arrested Sathi on Monday and she confessed to killing her child in primary interrogation, he said.
 “We are very poor. My wife asked me to buy milk for our son but I failed. She killed our son out of frustration,” Bachchu said.
