With water receding, erosion on the banks of the Jamuna River in Chowhali upazila of Sirajganj district has taken a serious turn continuing to devour homesteads, educational institutions, shops, graveyards and farmlands. This photo was taken from Baghutiapurba village in Choahali upazila on Wednesday.

With water receding, erosion on the banks of the Jamuna River in Chowhali upazila of Sirajganj district has taken a serious turn continuing to devour homesteads, educational institutions, shops, graveyards and farmlands. This photo was taken from Baghutia
With water receding, erosion on the banks of the Jamuna River in Chowhali upazila of Sirajganj district has taken a serious turn continuing to devour homesteads, educational institutions, shops, graveyards and farmlands. This photo was taken from Baghutia

