Opinion: With the change of course

Imran Rahman :
It is more than four decades and a half since the inception of Bangladesh as a sovereign country in the world map. By this time, the country has witnessed a series of changes in geopolitical landscape. These include the end of Cold War with the fall of Soviet Union, Reunion of Germany, achievements of nuclear power by arch rival India and Pakistan, terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, Iraq and Afghan invasion of USA, Hong Kong’s return from British rule to China and lately China’s appearance as a threat to American hegemony. All these events remind us that history walks its own way of ups and downs and will continue to do so leaving its footmark behind as long as the civilization exists in this planet.
 If we launch an impartial scrutiny over the occurrence of the above incidents, we can aver to say that the world has never before undergone such a frequent changes and restlessness within such a short span of time of only forty seven years that happened so consecutively that a direct and indirect nexus among all the events cannot be ignored.
Moreover, amazing advancement in technology since early nineteenth gave a supersonic tempo in this wave of change leading every respective field concerned with development of humanity and civilization such as, education, culture and arts to be rewritten, world order to be reshaped.
Lesson one took yesterday is coming of no use today. One who fails to come up with this change, is must be outsmart from the track. Although these changes have ushered in new dimensions of living and lifestyle with modern amenities, these cost human being a lot. Stability could not take a root in world yet. Rather it has become a field of non-stop horse-race and competition for every nation. Many areas are war ravaged.
With the innovation of new idea, old one is finding place into the dustbin.
In fact, changes in global order since the birth of Bangladesh left the countries worldwide in front of new challenges, regardless of their geographical boundary, financial and military capacity.
These have not only brought about significant changes in human psychology, philosophy and ideas but also far-reaching impact on the establishments material to state concerns. Definitions of diplomacy, warfare and foreign affairs are changing very fast from country to country. They are looking for new ideas to cope up with existing world reality. Countries lack of stronger military capacity and economic strength are seen taking relentless steps to update and strengthen their diplomatic structure. They know they have no way out to evade the intensified whirlwind of global diplomacy. Those failing to pursue that are becoming targets of dire consequences. In a word, today’s world is the world of diplomacy.
Bangladesh is an integral part of this world system. Since its birth it has achieved noteworthy successes in various fields including games and economic development. Its access into test status and winning noble prize for micro-credit theory is a landmark achievement. Its success in apparel sector draws envy of countries like India, Vietnam and Pakistan.
But a big question is how much Bangladesh could achieve in terms of international relations and diplomacy. Since August 25, 2017, in the face of ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Myanmar military force, an exodus of around 1 million unarmed, innocent Rohinga people from Myanmar to Bangladesh has taken place in different phases.
Now Myanmar is showing no goodwill to take them back in absolute breach of international convention leaving Bangladesh Government under severe economic pressure of maintaining such a huge number of extra population. This has also sparked country-wide criticism of government’s diplomatic failure to deal with this problem. Experts are holding Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for failing to respond it precisely.
The present Bangladesh has become a scapegoat in consideration of Rohinga crises for its border with Myanmar. But in its foreign policy, priority of `Look India’ policy which draws the ire of China, a rising strategic power is no less responsible in this regard. Bangladesh needs to look for new one in its diplomatic tie in the new world set up.