Winter knocking

Vegetables available: Gachhi cleaning date tree for juice: Farmers busy with harvesting paddy, celebrating Nabanna: People throng tourist spots

Staff Reporter :
Weather became colder as people have started feeling chill in the air in early morning hours and in the night, signalling the winter’s arrival, says Met Office on Tuesday.
Though the day temperature continues to remain around 31 degree Celsius to 14 degree Celsius, night temperature has started falling slightly in the last two days.
After withdrawal of monsoon, winter chill is gradually setting in the country’s different areas especially remote areas of northwestern regions making evening, night as well early morning less warm.
Bangladesh is a land of river and it has wonderful six seasons. The characteristics of four seasons are slowly disappearing from Bangladesh but summer and winter are getting more acute.
A north wind originating from the Himalayan regions has already started blowing over the country signaling cold weather and seasonal change.
 “The day as well as night temperatures are expected to dip further as wind pattern sets northernly. However, the winter is expected to set in the last week of the current month (November) or first week of the next month (December),” Ruhul Kuddus, an expert of Met Office said yesterday.
According to the officials of Met Office, as the wind is blowing from the north in the last two days, the day as well as night temperatures will start dipping down from the last week of the current month, officials added.
Though it is early to predict, a normal winter with chilly nights and foggy mornings is expected this year, the experts said, adding there will be sunshine during the day along with spells of thick dense fog.
Meanwhile, people of country’s northwestern regions have already started experiencing the winter morning with mist and cold.
Besides, there is light fog everywhere and dewdrops have also started falling on leaves and blades of grasses at night on the first day of the Bengali month Agrahayan (November 15).
As the month of Agrahayan (mid-October to mid-December) began on Tuesday the country’s farmers are very busy with harvesting paddy and celebrate nabanna with the new rice crop.
When winter arrives it ushers in some changes in lifestyle and food habits of people in this part of the world.
In early morning, when mist envelops the surroundings, one can still notice amid poor visibility some people moving with several earthen pots hanging from two sides of a bar that they carry on their shoulder
Meanwhile, early winter vegetables have started arriving in city markets over the last few days.
Country’s farmers are producing early winter vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, radish, carrot, beet, turnip, tomato, leafy spinach, red spinach and receiving fair prices in the wholesale market, said Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) officials.
In winter, people love to travel in different places of the country due to the soothing weather between the month of October and February. There are almost no rains during this period.
Meanwhile, hotels and motels have prepared a rich choice of attractive winter packages for the tourists.
Besides, to cater to the popularity of the demand for pitha, especially during winter, a variety of pithas such as Bhapa, Puli, Narkel Puli, Chitoi, Dudh Chitoi, Patishapta are being prepared in the villages.
Villagers enjoy pithas with their loved ones every day as winter is a season of celebration in the country.
This celebration cannot be fulfilled without Pitha. Pitha occupies an important place in our culinary culture. For Bengalis, it has been a long tradition to make varieties of pitha, particularly during the winter.
Apart from these, many farmers are busy with sharp crescent shaped machetes for using to clean and peel off layers from the neck of date tree for extraction of juice.
There is a group of most important people called ‘gachchi’, who make the plants ready for oozing out juice. They are seen climbing to the top of the date- tree, clean it, peel off the upper layer, insert a half bamboo shoot and hang a pot beneath it for collection of juice.