Winter Festival of ACI Foods Limited held in the city recently. 400 dealers and employees from across the country of the company attended the programme. Syed Alamgir, Executive Director and Anup Kumar Saha, Business Director and Moinur Rahman Tuhin Business Operation Manager of the company attended the occasion among others.

Winter Festival of ACI Foods Limited held in the city recently. 400 dealers and employees from across the country of the company attended the programme. Syed Alamgir, Executive Director and Anup Kumar Saha, Business Director and Moinur Rahman Tuhin Busine
Winter Festival of ACI Foods Limited held in the city recently. 400 dealers and employees from across the country of the company attended the programme. Syed Alamgir, Executive Director and Anup Kumar Saha, Business Director and Moinur Rahman Tuhin Busine

