Winter clothes distributed in districts

Chandpur Correspondent :
The members of Bangladesh Coast Guard (BCG) distributed 100 pieces of blankets and 40 pieces of life -jackets among the poor and marginal fishermen of Chandpur at a function held at the premises of Bangladesh Coastguard(BCG) Chandpur Station on Thursday noon. Chandpur Station commander Lft M Enayetullah presided while Bangladesh Coast Guard DG Rear Admiral Aorangazeb Chowdhury was the chief guest and Coastguard Family Welfare Association President Dr Afroza Ghani was the special guest on the occasion.
In his speech as chief guest, the Director General Rear Admiral Aurangazeb Chowdhury has said, the Bangladesh Coastguard members truly believe in works, not in words or lip services. Since its inception, the Family Welfare Association has been engaged in humanitarian activities.
Chandpur Zila Parishad Chairman Alhaj Osman Ghani Patwary, Coastguard Director Operation Captain Mohammad Rakibul, high officials of Bangladesh Coastguard, lady leaders of Coastguard Family Welfare Association and pressmen of Chandpur Press Club were present as guests on the occasion.
Another report adds : A total of 45 thousand pieces of blankets have been allocated for the cold- hit distressed people in the district .  
Of them, the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund has allocated 32 thousand pieces of blankets while 13 thousand pieces of blankets have been allocated by the Ministry of Relief and Disaster Management for Chandpur district. Contacted, the District Relief and Rehabilitation Office sources have told this correspondent that each union and each of seven Municipalities of the eight Upazilas of the district have been allocated 427 pieces of blankets as per Government instruction and the allotted blankets have already been handed over to the eight Upazila administrations and the seven Municipal authorities who are reportedly distributing blankets among the cold hit people till writing this report-said sources.
BSS from Rangpur adds : Speaker of Jatiya Sangshad Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury on Friday distributed blankets among 800 cold-stricken poor and distressed people of 15 unions in her constituency- Rangpur-6 (Pirganj). “The speaker distributed the blankets at a function arranged by the Pirganj upazila administration on the upazila parisahd premises. Earlier, the district administration distributed more 5,000 pieces of blankets allocated by the government among the cold-hit people of Pirganj upazila recently to mitigate their sufferings, the release added.
With Pirganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer TMA Momin in the chair, General Secretary of Pirganj upazila Awami League and Pirganj municipal Mayor Tazimul Islam Shamim, Pirganj upazila Vice-chairman Monayem Sarkar Manu, President of district Chhatra League Mehedee Hasan Rony, local union chairmen and members, among others, attended the function. image_print
Another reports says: State Minister for Disaster Management and Relief Dr Enamur Rahman, MP on Thursday said no irregularities in relief distribution and implementation of development projects will be tolerated. “Action will be taken against a person responsible for making false committee related to any development project of Ministry of Disaster
Management and Relief,” he said. The State Minister made these precautionary statements at a function arranged for distribution of dry foods and blankets among the cold-stricken poor and distressed people on Sakoa High School ground in Boda upazila of Panchagarh today as the chief guest.
The minister distributed blankets, rice, edible oil, salt, flattened rice, sugar and biscuits and candles and matches boxes among each of the 2,000 cold-hit, poor and distressed people of Boda and Debiganj upazilas of Panchagarh in the function.
BSS from Gaibandha adds: A total of 100 students of Tamiz Uddin Disable and Autistic School at Komorpur Bazaar area under Palashbari upazila in the district got blankets from district police recently.Blankets were distributed on the school premises in a function with chairperson of the school managing committee (SMC) and social worker M. Rafiqul Islam in the chair.
Superintendent of police (SP) Engineer Abdul Mannan Miah attended the function as the chief guest and senior assistant police super Rezinur Rahman, general secretary of Awami League, upazila unit, Abu Bakar Prodhan and officer in charge of Palashbari thana Heefzur Alam Munshi were present on the occasion.
SP Engineer Abdul Mannan Miah said the district police stood beside the cold affected distressed people including the children with disabilities with blankets at humanitarian ground to lessen their sufferings caused by the present sweeping cold wave coming from Himalayas.