Winning the war against drug


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Man lives in society. So he/she is a social being. Every social being has the right in society to live with a healthy and profound life. A healthy life is a pre-condition to be a good citizen of state. If a citizen is bodily and mentally sound, he/she can discharge the citizen duty to his state. From the pre-history of mankind there were the drugs, but its uncontrolled use has become a threat to the society, now-a-days. It is dangerous & it deteriorates a man and society in a very cruel way. So it is more than many many big dangers in and around the world. It is as alarming as diseases like cancer and HIV-Aids. A drug user person loses his all vitality of life forces. He can do anything and everything in his family, society and even for a nation also. He is a problem to the state. Whenever a man is addicted with drug his/her humanity and sensation is lost. He becomes a burden for family and society.
Gradually he turns to a permanently drug addicted person. For which his family suffers lot. It is almost like a non-curable disease like HIV-Aids and caner. Moreover a drug addicted person loses all his talents, intellectual capabilities. All the brightness and prospect of his life withers away from his life. We do not find any potentiality in a drug addicted man. If there are potents in him it will not last for a long time. A drug addicted man by taking frequent drugs try to bring a sudden miracle change for his life. But in the long run, it does not work as he desires. So a drug addicted man gets frustrated and out of frustration involves him in all nonsense and rubbish activities like kidnapping, snatching and even terrorism also.
Drug addicting is not treated as offence. But it is a psychological and behavioral problem of a human being for which a man indulges to the very abnormal life style. The whole world is now suffering from this problem. At present it is not a problem of any particular area or a particular country. For our geographical location. Bangladesh is being used as a transit of drug trafficking zone. It is already identified. From various survey and study, it is found that the drug addicted persons are many in numbers in our country and many youths are addicted to it who are in the age limit of 15 to 20.
There are other reasons of drug addiction, which have been identified from different surveys. The youths of the growing age are taking drugs out of curiosity. Initially they take it as a matter of fan. They take it in clubs with their friends and gradually, it spreads from one society to another society transmitted to their other friends. Moreover the drugs are easily affordable from different sources. So, the channel of easy availability of drugs should be stopped. Again there is a misconception of smartness of our youths i.e. our youths are not well aware of the disadvantages of drug addiction. So, people must have the better understanding about the affects of drug addiction.
It is told earlier that it is not a social crime like any other crime. So, it must be prevented and preventive measures should be taken from family side from society and every society should take it as a social campaign and under the umbrella of this campaigning program, necessary warnings must be given so that the initial step is stopped. Moreover every family guardians must be very alert & conscious so that it can not spread to their living campus. Govt. must take preventive measures like training, workshop, seminar, rally etc. Govt. must also take other measures like employment of youths to different sectors, so that the youths do not get derailed from life. Govt. also take steps for vocational education and to develop skill to be highly categorized to technical education.
Besides there should be a good provision of religious education by which norms, values and ethics are established. The trained Imams & religious teachers can motivate the youths & general people on family relationship also. With this end in view, different counselling centers must be set up in different areas and above all, the rule of law is a must for its improvement. In this regard, recently Govt. is in a hard-line for punitive action against the alleged drug channels.
It is reported from various newspapers that there are a good number of drug suppliers who are mainly from women community. Actually the women are manhandled or misguided by others. The women are guided by others. Now it is necessary to identify the other guides. The other guides may belong to members of civil society, elite class and even may belong to strong political party. He may be a godfather or blueprint maker of drug channeling and trafficking. All these blueprint makers must be brought to book. They must not be spared.
Despite all the connectivity any drug dealer who is spoiling a society and integrity of our nation, he/she should surrender to the rule of law and must give his undertaking for his indulgement into all such dirty activities. It is our honorable prime minister who never hesitates to punish anybody who ever he or she is. By blood, she is accustomed to it. She never compromises with any rock stars or with any big giants who wants to play with the life and death of common people. Our prime minister is always kind to mass people of the country. She has her feeling & love towards them. So anybody from any corner will try to malign the good job she will never be excused from penalty. Anything going against the interest of the country and hampering the democratic right of the people will be dealt severely. The recent drives taken by govt. against the drug hoarders and drug suppliers will immediately be called to came under the course punitive action. Meanwhile a good member of hoarders, dealers have been arrested and some others were hit by cross firing. It is done in consideration of nation’s safety and security issues.
With this people are being warned so that there is a rectification from damaging activities. As a part of preventive measures the voluntary orgnations in country can also play a significant role to prevent it. In no way nation can not be immersed into the deep sea. The youths should be protected from drugs. With the awareness program political commitment is very essential. At this moment, the medias role should also be very transparent and significant. We are expecting that the whole world will be prudent to protect our future generation. We want to develop our confidence that we are able to build a good dwelling place where our offspring’s and future generation will live a better hygienic life free from all darts and drugs. This is indeed a bold and valiant steps against the drug traffics and hoarders.
They may not be happy. Even there may be plot of descending her from power or killing her life, or conspirators did for our nation’s father. Situation may be stormed, but the rudder must be strongly handled and passengers will be safe from boat capsize. Hon’ble Prime Minister as courageous leader and good administrator will sail the whole Bangladesh as a symbol of boat in a storm. The chief sailor is our Hon’ble Prime Minister and mother Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina. Really she deserves to be the supreme mother of Bangladesh. It is believed that we will not be plunged into sea.
