Wife wants to take Salahuddin to 3rd country for treatment


Staff Reporter :Hasina Ahmed, wife of BNP Joint-Secretary General Salahuddin Ahmed, wants to take her husband to a third country for better treatment from a Shillong hospital in the Indian state of Meghalaya where the BNP leader has been undergoing treatment since May 10.”As his condition is not good, I want to take him to Singapore,” said Hasina Ahmed to journalists. She went there to meet her husband on Tuesday morning.But the Indian police said that the court would decide the fate of Salahuddin. Meghalaya Police Chief Rajiv Mehta said if the government appealed for Ahmed’s extradition, the police would put the matter before the court.East Khasi Hills district SP M Kharkhrang said there was no question of letting off the former Bangladesh Minister who had been arrested for violating the Foreigners Act. “There is no question of releasing Ahmed. We are following all legal procedures,” he said.Hasina arrived in Shillong on Monday evening and sought permission to meet her husband. “We allowed her to meet him,” he said.Meanwhile, Hasina has appointed a senior advocate to defend Salahuddin in the case filed against him for trespassing into India.When coming out from the hospital after her visit, Hasina Ahmed said, “My husband is very ill. We will try to take him to a third country for better treatment.” A senior lawyer well versed in cases over violation of the Foreigners Act said, if he is produced in the court, he will be placed under judicial custody, which means he would be lodged in jail.The maximum punishment for illegal entry is imprisonment for five years.The lawyer, however, said if the government appeals before the court for his extradition, the matter will be examined by the court.After meeting with her husband, Hasina expressed her gratitude to the Government of India and the Meghalaya police for “saving her husband’s life” and providing him good medical treatment.
