Why outdoor workouts better than indoors!

Life Desk :
There are reasons why outdoor workouts are much better than exercising indoors.
Most of us hit gym when we want a toned body or remain fit. But time and again, a number of studies have concluded that outdoor workouts are much better than hitting the gym. Though it might come as a surprise to you, here are the reasons:
Intent is stronger Hitting the gym might be a decision made in peer pressure or just to follow a trend. But when you are hitting outdoors for exercise and continue doing so, then it sure shows that you have strong intent to continue and being fit is the only reason you are out there.
Its fresh and fine Staying outdoors means, especially in the morning hours, fresh air and a positive environment as compared to exercising in a gym, which has a manually monitored environment (air condition). And various studies have concluded that outdoors provide various reasons to get inspired as compared to staying indoors.
Much more And even if you are not into weights or doing other kind of gym exercising, then simply walking in a park or outdoors help in decreasing stress, frustrations, worry, confusion, depression, tension and tiredness and increases self-esteem, energy and pleasure. So what are you waiting for, hit the outdoors and make the most of your efforts.
-Times of India