Why AL failed to win?

Analyses on SC bar polls


Anisul Islam Noor :
In the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) election, the Awami League-supported panel suffered a massive defeat despite their tight efforts to win this year. But finally all of their attempts have ultimately failed.
The BNP-Jamaat-backed ‘Blue Panel’ won 10 out of total 14 posts, including president and general secretary. On the other hand, Awami League supported ‘White Panel’ suffered a massive defeat by securing only four posts.  
Analyses and discussions over the SC bar results are being held almost everywhere. The topic of discussions has now spread from the SC bar premises to political circles, and even among the general people.
Some reasons have already emerged from different quarters about the failure of the AL-backed 14-party alliance’s white panel against the BNP-Jamaat supported blue panel.
The issue of former Chief Justice SK Sinha, ‘compulsory’ departure of Acting Chief Justice Abdul Wahhab Mian, government control over the lower court and the issue of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia bail, among others, are being blamed for this.
Lawyers of the highest court of the country did not take various roles of the government in good grace. As a result, the AL-backed panel taste a negative impact on the SC bar election results.
According some analyses, the issue of Khaleda Zia’s bail has been the biggest negative impact on the result. The way, in which the bail was suspended in the appellate division, it is unlikely that it can be accepted by any kind. This is extremely harmful in the long run.
The BNP-backed lawyers said that the victory in this election is a reflection of public opinion against the government’s various types of wrongdoings and torture, including discrimination against lawyers. Lawyers are very aware. They protested the government’s excessive involvement with the opposition, including suppression of opposition and opinion, rule of law, democracy, lack of human rights and good governance, and harassment of police.
According to the sources, the Awami League policymakers have put their all out efforts to get the Supreme Court Bar leadership from the BNP.
On this election, Awami League high command gave strict instructions to the lawyers’ leaders of the party. They were instructed to ensure the victory for the Awami League-backed panel at any cost.
In this context, Awami League-backed lawyers have unitedly joined the field to recover the bar. Awami League’s lawyer leaders have worked day and night to ensure the victory of their panel.
But the election results were not in their favour. The Awami League was extremely disappointed with the huge victory of the BNP-Jamaat-backed panel.
BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s imprisonment and BNP’s extreme crisis cannot accept any such conquest by the ruling Awami League and the government policy makers.
Especially in the president’s post, they are not able to accept the defeat of senior Awami League Advisory Council members and Advocate Yusuf Hossain Humayun. They are till analysing the cause of failure.
