Who will win in election, we don’t bother it- Peter Haas


Staff Reporter :
US ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Haas has said that his government has no concern as to who will win elections in Bangladesh.
“We want such an election in which people of this country can choose their leaders,” the US ambassador added.
P. Haas made the comments after a courtesy call on the Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal at the latter’s office in the capital on Wednesday (June 8, 2022).
Kazi Habibul Awal said that the US Ambassador wanted a free, fair and participatory election and the EC will hold a discussion with political parties to seek their opinion and there will be a way out regarding the matter.
“I will repeat again as I have said before that the United States doesn’t care who wins the election, we just want an election where the people of Bangladesh can choose who their leaders are,” Haas told reporters.
He said that they talked about the tremendous necessary of the EC and ensuring free and fair elections in Bangladesh.
Peter Haas remarked that the EC is extremely necessary and it is a part of the elections and electoral process here in Bangladesh.
“In order to have a free and fair election consistent with international standards, it requires participation of not only the election commission but also the government and the political parties, media, NGOs and most importantly Bangladeshi people,” he added.
When asked, if there was any recommendations from the US side on holding credible elections, Haas replied “Absolutely not, that’s not our role. That is the job of the election commission and the entire Bangladeshi society.”
