Who is police and who is not — that is the question


THIS daily has reported that some “fake detectives” on Saturday snatched Tk 700,000 from a businessman at gun point in broad-daylight at the Dhaka University campus. The miscreants, introducing themselves as DB personnel intercepted the victim, searched his bag, took away the sum and ran away from the spot riding on motorbikes. Assaulting businessmen in broad-daylight in the University campus where police and detectives remain vigilant round the clock makes us worry about the law and order situation. While the University is all set to celebrate the first day of Bengali New Year 1423 haunted by the last years savagery, the campus is supposed to be more secured but the incident of snatching indicates a lapse of security. It is the responsibility of law enforcers to prove their innocence in crimes committed in their names or take responsibilities for their failure in ensuring that the campus is safe. Police are for catching thieves, but some police are becoming thieves themselves. The high number of allegations of criminal activities against police should be disturbing for police administration, not only for the prevailing crime situation in the country. But unfortunately the police authorities do not appear to be concerned. The idea is everybody else is making money illegally, so police are not an island. But the result is the people are increasingly becoming helpless before the criminals and this should worry everybody responsible.  
