Who cares? Tokais [street urchins] are washing used polythene bags in the Buriganga water in an unhygienic condition to resell it to the consumers while some dishonest manufacturers are still procuring and selling polythene bags defying government ban. The picture was taken from Beribadh area on Wednesday.

Who cares? Tokais [street urchins] are washing used polythene bags in the Buriganga water in an unhygienic condition to resell it to the consumers while some dishonest manufacturers are still procuring and selling polythene bags defying government ban. Th
Who cares? Tokais [street urchins] are washing used polythene bags in the Buriganga water in an unhygienic condition to resell it to the consumers while some dishonest manufacturers are still procuring and selling polythene bags defying government ban. Th

