White supremacists in the USA threatening social peace

THE death of a person and injury to over nineteen others when a member of white supremacist group rammed a crowd of people opposing a far-right rally in the US state of Virginia, last Saturday came as a fresh shock how extremism is creating unrest in the US society. The rally titled as “Unite the Right” was meant to stage protest against plans to remove the statue of a civil war time general who had fought for pro-slavery confederacy and the city council now want to remove it to foster social harmony. The racists’ attack on the crowd is an ominous sign of racial prejudice making a comeback in America under the Trump administration.
The white supremacist group organised the march in the streets in military-style formation holding a torchlight rally the previous night on the University of Virginia campus. They uttered insulting and racial slogans at both events aimed at the black to provoke the clash. White supremacists propagate for racial purity of the white demeaning the black and immigrants in the US society.
President Donald Trump has condemned the event that in his word showed egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence from many sides. The point is, however, delay in condemning the white supremacists by name caused widespread criticism from all over; even from his own Republican leadership. He did it now clearly calling out the anarchists as members of racist KKK clan, New Nazis and White Supremacists but most people are calling on the President now to remove his adviser Steve Bannon from White House for his known identity as leader of the White Supremacists organizing them to create chaos.
Virginia governor said white supremacists are spreading domestic terrorism and like many others he poured shame on them. They are destroying everything that stands for American values and the evil must be resisted, they said. Americans believe there can’t be any compromise to stop hatred, racism and manmade divisions in the multiracial US society; it must stop right now.
Charlottesville town has become a focal point for white nationalists after the City Council voted to remove the statue of the Army General Gen Lee whom the white supremacists adore as their spiritual leader to preserve while American purity. But the democratic rights and liberal values in the US society reject it now only become vocal again taking strength from Trump presidency in the White House.
Lastly, the sudden rise of racial and religious discrimination in the USA must not be allowed to present America in a wrong way to the global community. With a new President barely eight months into the office many white Americans however seem to be leaning towards extreme ideological stance. We are gravely concerned.