White House aide declines to back Flynn over Russia contact

BBC Online :
A top White House official declined in several interviews over the weekend to defend national security adviser Michael Flynn, amid controversy over his alleged contacts with Russia.
Mr Flynn reportedly discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak in the weeks before the inauguration.
He denied talking about this issue but later said he could not be certain. Any discussion of sanctions could have violated laws against private citizens engaging in foreign policy.
The controversy comes as Mr Trump faces his first major national security challenge, following the test by North Korea on Sunday of a ballistic missile.
Mr Flynn would ordinarily be closely involved in determining the US response to such a test.
Mr Flynn is known to have spoken with Mr Kislyak several times by phone in December.
Both Mr Flynn and US Vice-President Mike Pence denied that the two men discussed US sanctions imposed over Russia’s actions in Ukraine and alleged hacking of the US Democratic Party.
But nine current and former officials later told the Washington Post that the issue had been discussed.
A spokesman for Mr Flynn subsequently backtracked, telling reporters that the adviser now said he “couldn’t be certain” he had not discussed the sanctions, prompting speculation that he may have misled the vice-president.
Mr Pence and Mr Flynn reportedly spoke twice on Friday. Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s top policy adviser, declined to say when asked in a number of interviews whether Mr Trump backed Mr Flynn.
Mr Miller said it was not his place to comment on the “sensitive matter” concerning Mr Flynn, who was an early supporter of Mr Trump but whose position in the administration is thought to be under scrutiny.
Asked if the president still had confidence in Mr Flynn, Mr Miller responded: “That’s a question for the president.” Other White House officials also refuse to comment.