Commentary: Which Sonar Bangla is our Sonar Bangla?

We are puzzled why after long years, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has become serious to rename West Bengal as ‘Bangla’ in Bengali and Bengal in English. We do not understand the logic of changing name. Bengal was divided to belong to two separate states after the end of British rule in 1947. The Pakistan part of Bengal or Bangla became known as East Pakistan in contrast to West wings of Pakistan. In the days of united Pakistan if West Bengal was renamed as Bengal that would have been the legitimate thing to do.
The name West Bengal was appropriate when there was East Bengal or then East Pakistan. But such ambiguity is no more there. The supporters of the move say the rotation of West Bangal Chief Minister always comes last among speakers by alphabetic order in any event arranged by the central government. Renaming the State as Bangla would place West Bengal Chief Minister first among the speakers to add to the dignity to the state.
This logic is so light hearted especially when a great confusion is being created internationally between Bangla a union state of India and Bangladesh as an independent nation.
Immediate problem is with the national anthem of Bangladesh which starts with ‘Amar Sonar Bangla Ami Tomai Bhalobashi’. The confusion will be about which Bangla we love and owe our allegiance to.
If the Indian state of Bengal is finally to be known as Bangla, we have every reason to doubt if there is any hint of united Bangla in it. Because the historical development during the partition of India and partition of Bengal, Mr. Suhrawardhy and Muslim League wanted united Bengal as a separate state but that plan did not work because of the opposition of the Hindus.
The suspicion will not be out of place if there are still some in India who nurture the idea of forming a united Bangla as a separate state or as part of India. It may also be argued that West Bengal may be feeling an unimportant part of Indian Union and is toying with the idea of joining Bangladesh as the other part of Bangla to complete united Bengal as a separate state. Whichever way the development is looked at, there is no easy explanation.
Our government should take up the matter with the central government of India and explain our genuine anxiety if name of West Bengal is changed into Bangla. Our country is known as Bangladesh. There is no scope to emerge a provincial state as Bangla. Our identity as Bangladesh will be put into a doubtful situation if West Bengal becomes known as Bangla.