Where the Rohingya Muslims should go


M. Mizanur Rahman :
It is shame for the Myanmar government that encourages their majority Buddhist ethnic subjects in collaboration with their forces to extirpate minority Rohinga Muslims from their age-old ancestral home at Rakhaine state under Myanmar through communal violence. How strange it is also to note that the Rohinga Muslims have not yet been recognized as the citizens of Myanmar!
As a matter of fact, Buddhism is a faith of non-violence. But when we see the Buddhists people of Myanmar resort to violence using lethal weapons of destruction against their fellow-neighbors Rohinga Muslims then what melancholia’s contrast takes place that contradicts the faith of non-violence they used to preach.
This is sheer irony and mockery that the Myanmar government nakedly violates the international human rights which should not be tenable to allow unobstructed by the international community. The Reuters’ report is evident enough, “…Rakhaines (Buddhists) flanked the village, hurling Molotov cocktails and firing home-made guns, aimed at killing Muslims at random with faint resistance from the unarmed Muslim villagers while their wooden and thatched houses had been set ablaze. It is very difficult to ascertain how many innocent Muslims had been killed there in the row so far.
It is too strange to think about the Buddhist monks of the surrounding villages who took part in the calculated killings of the Myanmar Muslims and fomenting communal troubles being the fake worshippers of non-violence Buddhism! Another report says that in such riots many Muslim old decrepit, men, women and children those could not flee away from the scene of incidents were simply burnt alive or killed and whose exact numbers are still unknown to the world.
The report also says, “…This is racism, “said Shwe Hle Maung,43, Chief of Paik Thay, where impoverished Muslim families cram into thatched homes without electricity. The government can resolve this if it wants to in five minutes. But they are doing nothing.”
Earlier thousand of Burmese Rohinga Muslims fled away to Bangladesh due to inhuman treatment of the Burmese forces and took refuge across the Naïf River in Bangladesh. Similarly since last October they had been trying to flee away from their homeland having taken the risk of life in the sea voyage on their rickety boats towards Bangladesh and other Muslim countries while miseries of these refugees know no bounds.
 Recently the government of Bangladesh did not allow the wretched expelled Muslim Rohingas to get in Bangladesh. Most of them, probably, had been sunk in the Bay of Bengal or killed in the cruel hands of Burmese Buddhist rioters or government force. Simply they are between the deep sea and the devils.
Nobel peace-prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi appears to have been mum in this respect. As if she has nothing to say to her countrymen’s wrongs but I ask her not to take those wretched Muslims into accounts as Muslims only, please regard them as human
beings like you and me and treat them as the best creation of God at least. So you live and let others, like you, live. The people around the globe are migratory to some extent. Today you are here; tomorrow you are in the U.S.A, so rights cannot be denied for human beings whatsoever law of citizenship you make. This is not perpetual. So what a poet says-
I am the melody of no man’s land
Where constellations, planets and stars
Never rest;
I am the melody of the oppressed.
O teach the people, Lord, to learn,
No land is given to them for good.
Let everyone turn
To benefit another, as he should…”
 (No Man’s Land:A heart that bleeds, p.7. by M.Mizanur Rahman)
 Nobel peace-prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has recently denied of repression of the Muslims in her country appears to have been shocking, then why there are lot of Rohinga refugees coming to Bangladesh at the great risk of their lives. Should the government of Mynamar and Aung San Suu Kyi come to terms towards humanitarian causes instead of making hide and seek diplomacy?
