When renovation of Osmani Udyan will be completed


The Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) inaugurated the renovation work for the capital’s Osmani Udyan back in January 2018 and promised to complete the work in 10 months. Four years have gone by, but only 65 per cent of the work has been completed. The deadline has been extended thrice, while costs have kept escalating. At present, DSCC is preparing a fresh tender for the work, as the previous contractor could not finish the job on time. The city corporation cancelled the work contract with The Builders Engineers in May.
Nestled between the secretariat and Nagar Bhaban, the park is named after General Muahammad Ataul Gani Osmani, the Commander-in-chief of Bangladesh forces during the Liberation War. It is divided into 11 sectors, as a tribute to the country’s forces that were divided into 11 sectors. The 29-acre green sanctuary has a number of rare trees and plants of different shapes and sizes, two small lakes and islands made of sand along with walkways, sculptures, and an auditorium. One of its major attractions is the Mughal-era cannon “Bibi Mariam”, which was commissioned by Emperor Aurangzeb’s trusted general Mir Jumla II to protect Dhaka — the 17th-century capital of Bengal — from raids by bandits.
According to the city corporation, the project deadline was extended first in 2019 and the cost escalated from Tk 54 crore to Tk 89 crore for additional work like setting up of food courts, a museum, a library and a better drainage system. It is very important to make the park useful for visitors. Osmani Udyan was not used properly earlier, as it was occupied by vagabonds and those who abused drugs. The mismanagement and cost escalation in renovating the park is an example of darkness under the lamp. We call the administration and the city corporation to complete the renovation of the park and make it safe for visitors and residents of the area by increasing law enforcers’ vigilance to stop drug peddling.
