New disease detected: Wheat on 272 acres of land set on fire in Jhenaidah

Jhenaidah Correspondent :
Bangladesh Agriculture Development Corporation (BADC) authority on Thursday set wheat of 272 acres of land in four seed production farms as they were affected by a new disease.
The burning programme was held at Karincha, Mathura, Gakulnagar and Kushaadanga seed production farms. Executive Magistrate Ashafur Rahman led the burning programme, said the BADC authorities.
GM of BADC Aminul Islam said, the disease ‘blast’ was detected for the first time on wheat in 1985 in Brazil. It was once again found for the second time in the world in southern part of the country, especially, in greater Jessore and Kushtia districts in February this year. The wheat plots were affected badly by the blast, GM said.
Although the affected wheat was not unfit for human consumption, it was unfit as seeds. Through a report from the wheat research institute in Dinajpur, they were informed that the wheat plots in five districts of Khulna Division like Jhenaidah, Chuadanga, Kushtia, Meherpur and Jessore were affected by rainfall in mid February during maturity of the shief of the wheat (Shish formation).
Further, the temperature was higher than the required quantity then. It had affected the wheat plots badly. BARI 26 variety of wheat was affected badly. To avoid any ffurther, troubles the BADC authority taken decision to burn the wheat on plots of four agriculture farms in Jhenaidah.