What things to do in Kathmandu?

Avril- Ann Braganza :
Pashupatinath, one of the most significant temples for Hindus, dedicated to Shiva, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located on the banks of the Bhagmati river, only born Hindus can enter the temple. However, people of other faiths can walk around within the temple premises and take in religious atmosphere.
Fly high
It’s worth shelling out US $100 for the hour-long ‘flight to mountain’ to see the Himalayan peaks, including Mount. Everest. 16-seater aircrafts leave from the domestic airport as early as 6:00am (weather permitting). As you take off, you don’t have to wait too long, before you can see the snow-capped peaks high above the clouds, in the distance. Words are not sufficient to explain the euphoria of seeing the famous Everest just a few feet away.
Walk through history
Welcome to the world of Kings! As soon as you enter Patan Durbar Square, you are surrounded by ancient structures. One of the three Durbar Squares in Nepal, Patan Durbar Sqaure is a UNESCO World Hertiage Site. A good example of Newari architecture, there are many courtyards and temples, but is known for its 17th century Krishna temple with 21 golden pinnacles.
Spin some prayer wheels
The largest stupa in Nepal, a visit to Kathmandu is incomplete without a trip to Boudhanath Stupa, walking around it and spinning the prayer wheels as you go. An important place of pilgrimage for Tibetan Buddhists and Nepalis, it is he holiest Tibetan Buddhist temple outside Tibet and is rich in Buddhist symbolism. At the top is a square tower bearing the omnipresent Buddha eyes on all four sides. After your prayerful walk, you can pick up a few religious items from the many handicraft shops surrounding the stupa.
Shop till your bank balance drop
Head to Thamel Street, if shopping is your thing (or even if it’s not, just for the experience). Walk down Thamel’s narrow streets crowded with various shops. You can easily spend half a day or more browsing through pashmina shawls, Nepali clothing, bags, artefacts and jewellery. A haven for shopaholics, make sure you bargain before you buy anything. n
