Beijing has a colorful dream in winter: What the secrets of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics?


Yu Xi :
The “2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games” and “2022 Beijing winter Paralympic Games” will be held in Beijing, China, in 2022. If you can come to China to watch these two wonderful sports events, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the world’s top winter sports events.
Although there is still some time to go before the grand event, I would like to introduce two dream stories. They are the two beautiful emblems of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games.
With independent Chinese characters, these two emblems condense two wonderful dream stories.
The emblem of the Winter Olympics, inspired by the Chinese character “winter”, combines the thick oriental culture with the modern international style with the artistic form of Chinese calligraphy and presents the new image and dream of China in the new era.
The upper part of the emblem figure shows the shape of the skater, and the lower part shows the heroic posture of the skier. The dancing lines in the middle are smooth and full of rhythm. The undulating mountains, sports venues, ice and snow slideways, and festival dancing ribbons add a festive visual feeling to the emblem and symbolize that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be held during the Chinese Spring Festival.
The main color of the emblem is blue, which means dream and future, as well as the brightness and purity of ice and snow. Red and yellow originated from the Chinese national flag, representing the passion, youth and vitality of sports.
In the form of “Beijing 2022” font, it absorbs the characteristics of Chinese calligraphy and paper-cut, enhances the cultural connotation and expressiveness of the font, and also reflects the overall sense and unity with the emblem graphics.
The emblem design of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games combines the art of Chinese calligraphy with the sports characteristics of the winter Paralympic Games. The design shows the movement and strength of the Chinese character “Fei”, skillfully transformed into an athlete who glides forward and rushes to victory. At the same time, it vividly expresses the form of a wheelchair and other special sports equipment for the winter Paralympic Games. The emblem shows the winter Paralympic spirit of athletes’ continuous leap, surpassing themselves, striving hard, and inspiring the world.
