Commentary: West`s united stand in defence of Muslims has weakened ISIS more than anything


Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, doubled down Tuesday on his remarks calling for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, Trump compared his plan to the Japanese internment camps used by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II. “This is a President highly respected by all, he did the same thing,” Trump said. “If you look at what he was doing, it was far worse. I mean, he was talking about the Germans because we’re at war. “We are now at war. We have a President that doesn’t want to say that, but we are now at war. “But Trump rejected the idea that he was advocating the internment of Muslim Americans: “No, I’m not. No, I’m not. No, I’m not,” he said.Trump’s remarks on Monday were in apparent response to the massacre in San Bernardino, in which an Illinois-born man and his Pakistan-born wife killed 14 people and wounded 21 others. The FBI said the couple was radicalized. Trump’s comments were nearly universally condemned – both in the U.S. and around the world.A spokeswoman for British Prime Minister David Cameron called the remarks “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong.” “The prime minister has been very clear that, as we look at how we tackle extremism and this poisonous ideology, what politicians need to do is to look at ways to bring communities together and make clear that these terrorists are not representative of Islam and indeed what they are doing is a perversion of Islam,” she said.The French Prime Minister said on twitter: “Mr. Trump, like others, stokes hatred: our ONLY enemy is radical Islamism.”Writing in Haaretz, the left-leaning Israeli newspaper, columnist Chemi Shalev said Trump’s remarks “must have delighted the Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” the leader of ISIS. Even Israeli people protested asking Donald Trump not to come to Israel. The support for the Muslims in response to Donald Trump’s outrageous anti-Muslims comments have acted as a serious blow to ISIS campaign that the poisonous West is anti-Muslims so they must be treated as enemies of the Muslims. Now because of united standing by the American people and other countries of the West has proved very helpful, in our view, to weaken and demoralise the ISIS and other so-called Muslim extremists to practise terrorism in defence of Islam or the Muslims. No doubt the Muslims harbour anger for the past brutal excesses committed by the American soldiers in contrast to the American people in Iraq and Afghanistan indiscriminately. They behaved with vengeance and treated every Muslim as enemy. The inhuman treatment committed against the Muslims on mere suspicion in Cuban Guantanamo Bay detention camp is reprehensive. Then one should also think of the suspected Muslims sent in rendition to various countries who suffered imprisonment without trial. So the Western countries cannot deny that they have persecuted and killed many innocent persons and they did not care to show any guilt for such inhuman crimes the American soldiers committed. We will hope and suggest that the American people should scrutinize the conduct of the soldiers and the American government must supervise strictly the American soldiers in foreign territories. They have earned bad name for good American people in Muslim countries. We are very happy and glad that the Western countries responded so strongly in support of good Muslims. The West or the world will not be able to defeat Islamic extremists without active support of the Muslims everywhere.
