Western world turns a blind eye to Rohingya issue: Analysts

Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
The state sponsored atrocity against the Muslim Rohingyas in Myanmar is yet to draw due attention of the West although it has always been critical on human rights abuses around the world, said observers`.
Rohingyas are fleeing en masse to neighbouring Bangladesh in the face of terrible human rights abuses, including genocide, gang-rape and mass beating by the Myanmar’s security forces in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.
This began after militants launched a coordinated raid on security force facilities last week, killing at least 109 people, including dozens of security personnel.
The western world has tiptoed around the issue even if the Myanmar security forces have launched an unprecedented crackdown on Muslims in Rakhine State. It remains silent over the issue due to various strategic and political reasons, according to the analysts.
They said the western world led by the US have once again engaged with Myanmar after lifting their decades long economic sanctions against the country. The US in October 2016 lifted economic sanctions against Myanmar that had been in place for almost two decades.
The USA is carrying out an anti-Islam campaign after the 9/11 attacks. Even it is trying to brand a violent image of the Muslims after listing several Muslim nations as terrorist countries. The western world, perhaps, is turning a billing eye to the Rohingya crisis due to the US policy.
“The western nations are always vocal on human rights violations around the world. But they keep mom over the renewed atrocities on Rohingyas because of regional and global politics as well as strategic considerations. They may respond to the crisis following reactions from the US. They may wait for the US move over the issue,” Prof Imtiaz Ahmed, who teaches international relations at Dhaka University, came up with the observation while talking to

The New Nation on Wednesday.
The government seems to be restive on Rohingya infiltration into Bangladesh. But it has already allowed several thousand of Rohingya refugees on the humanitarian ground. It should raise voice over the issue in global forums and engage with the global community so that Bangladesh can ease burden of Rohingya refuges.
“The global community keeps a blind eye to the issue because of its geo-political interests,” said Prof Dr Tareque Shamsur Rahman, a teacher of International Relations at the Jahangirnagar University.
“We condemn the continual persecution of the Rohingya by the Myanmar authorities… None can support such a destructive act.”
Dr Tareque said the international community is increasingly critical of rights abuses and extrajudicial killings by the security forces in nations around the world. They are yet to respond to the situation causing frustration to us. “We cannot expect such a role from them. They should respond immediately to save lives of thousands of unarmed civilians in Myanmar’s western state of Rakhine.”
UNB adds: Bangladesh has welcomed Indonesia’s willingness to engage with Myanmar to find ways for arresting the escalation of violence and finding a solution of the “protracted” problem.
Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and his Indonesian counterpart Retno Marsudi had a discussion over telephone on the issue on Tuesday, said the Foreign Ministry officials on Wednesday.
Mahmood Ali further discussed the Rohingya issue on Wednesday when newly appointed Ambassador of Indonesia Rina Prithyasmiarsi Soemarno met him at the Foreign Ministry.
He also raised the issue of the recent escalation of violence in the Rakhine State of Myanmar following the attacks on Myanmar security posts on August 25 and expressed concern at the imminent influx of Muslim population from the state seeking shelter in Bangladesh.
The minister reiterated Bangladesh’s readiness to assist Myanmar in addressing the security concern.
He emphasised implementation of the recommendations of the Kofi Anan-led “Rakhine Advisory Commission” for a durable solution of the problem of the Rakhine State.
