Welcome Ramzanul Mubarak!


Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :Holy Ramzan, Ramzanul Mubarak! The best month of the Arabic calendar has come back with the greatest blessings of Allah Rabbul Aalameen. It has come with the best night ofQadr, popularly known as Shab-e-Qadr, when the Holy Quran, the last Heavenly Scripture and ‘Quide to mankind’ was revealed. It has the message of welfare and emancipation in this world and salvation in the here-after. According to the Quran, the night of Qadr has ‘the virtue and merit of more than thousand months’. And more, the days and nights of Ramzan have special merit in comparison with other months. These are the best days of repentance, self-purification and seeking bounties and blessings of Almighty Allah.Thus, we welcome the Holy month of Ramzan –Welcome the days and nights of special merit for emancipation and salvation.Roza (fasting), though apparently it seems to be a physical ritual, basically it is a continuous process to attain Taqwa (righteousness), avoiding and forsaking all evils to achieve the goal of the Infinite mercy and blessings of Allah.The Holy Quran reveals : “So everyone of you who is present (at home), during that month should spend it in fasting….” (Sura Baqara 2:185) “(He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and glorify Him in that He has guided you ; and perchance ye shall be grateful.” (Sura Baqara 2:185) And the purpose of fasting as revealed in the Quran :”… that ye may (learn) self-restraint.’ (Sura Baqara 2:183)The month includes the first ten days of Rahmat (Mercy), the next ten days of Maghfirat (Forgiveness) and the last nine or ten days of Nazat (Salvation).Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) used to say when the month of Razab began : “Oh Allah! Bless us in Razab and Sha’ban, and bring us to Ramzan.” (Narrated by Tabarani and Ahmad) The Muslims all over the world including the Muslims of Bangladesh are receiving the long-cherished period of obligatory fasting in a joyful atmosphere. They are going to observe the month-long ritual of strict discipline and punctuality for righteousness, spiritual upliftment and social welfare. With utmost sincerity and dedication they will observe fasting till the last day. It is expected, by the grace of Allah, they will attain Taqwa to shun all evils. Fasting is a humanistic endeavour contributing to our human qualities to create a society based on love and fellow-feeling for all human beings crossing all barriers of caste, creed and colour. If the fasting of Ramzan is observed in the proper perspective as enjoined in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, we will be fortunate to reach the goal. Let us receive the golden days of Holy Ramzan in chorus : Ramzanul Mubarak!
